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Principles of complaint management

Principles of the complaint management of Huddlestock GmbH according to BT 12.2 MaComp and Art 26 DVO MiFID II

Last updated: 23 January 2025

1. Complaint management function

The performance of the complaint function pursuant to Art. 26 DVO MiFID II, BT 12 MaComp is assigned to the Client Service department.

Contact information for the complaint management function:

Huddlestock GmbH
„c/o Unicorn Workspaces“
Client Service
Isartorplatz 8
80331 Munich


Phone No.: 0049-81511876650

2. Definition complaint

A complaint shall be deemed to be any expression of dissatisfaction which a customer within the meaning of Section 67 (1) WpHG or a potential customer (complainant) address to Huddlestock GmbH in connection with the provision of an investment service or an ancillary investment service, irrespective of whether the latter uses the term “complaint” in this context.

3. Complaint Process

a) Submission of the complaint: The complaint can be declared informally, i.e. verbally by telephone, electronically, in writing or by fax. It is considered to be submitted when the declaration of the complainant has been received by Huddlestock GmbH. In principle, every employee is authorized to receive complaints. The employees are obligated to immediately forward complaints received to the department responsible for complaint management. In order to speed up processing, we ask that any complaints be forwarded directly to the above contact address. Furthermore, we request the following information in the event of complaints being submitted

  • Details of their contact information (name, address, phone, email),
  • Reason for your complaint (background, cause),
  • Indication of the threatened disadvantage, damage,
  • Transmission of information material for the purpose of substantiating their complaint.

There are no costs for filing the complaint. Complaints will be processed without delay.

b) Handling of the complaint: Huddlestock GmbH

  • records reported complaints,
  • categorizes them according to the specifications of the Annex to BT 12.2 MaComp Section A and records the reason for complaint according to the Annex to BT 12.2 MaComp Section B,
  • examines the grounds for the complaint and makes a decision as to whether, and if so in what form, to what extent and with what personnel and organizational consequences, the complaint will be remedied,
  • documents the measures initiated in accordance with the requirements of the Annex to BT 12.2 MaComp Section C.

4. Internal complaints register

Internal complaints register: All complaints reported, categorized and recorded according to the reason for the complaint, as well as recommendations made in this regard for remedial action, related decisions and orders are documented in the internally maintained complaints register. The records are kept for at least 5 years.

5. Complaint report

Huddlestock GmbH prepares an annual complaint report in accordance with Art. 26 DVO MiFID II and submits it regular to BaFin by 01.03. for the previous calendar year.

6. Alternative dispute resolution center

7. Disclosure

This principles of the complaint management process has been approved by the senior management and are available on the Huddlestock Group website.

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