Providing your customers access to savings and investment products

Custom solutions for companies delivering access to wealth. Our trading, technologies, investor services and consulting departments always work together to guarantee your best performance and effectiveness.



Launch or transform digital investment and trading experiences, fast. Our API-based investment platform and connected services provide a one-stop-shop to power your solution.

Who we serve

Fintech startups

Design unique investment products with simple APIs and operate with a regulatory umbrella.

Banks & neobanks

Launch off-the-shelf investment services or modernise your solution with cloud technology.

Asset & wealth managers

Digitalise user journeys, offer greater choice in investments, and outsource investment operations.

Made for businesses, used by people

Our solutions empower


Secure. We protect your data against unauthorized access, damage or theft throughout its lifecycle

Cloud based. No need for additional servers – all data is stored in a private cloud

Collaborative. We take your needs into account and can work with revenue sharing models when suitable

Customized. Each case is different, and you have the choice to use a standard or tailored solution

Fast. Go from set up to complete service launch in just 4 weeks with our standard solutions

Talk to us about your specific needs and we’ll put together the best recommendation possible.

Huddlestock in a nutshell

Huddlestock is a dynamic international provider of wealth management and retail online trading, delivering customized SaaS for trading & investment solutions. Founded in 2016, Huddlestock was the first Norwegian fintech to be publicly traded, and has been growing ever since.


WealthTech100 Company

2024, 2022

BaaS Innovation of the Year


Leading WealthTech Company


FinTech Innovator of the Year


Best FinTech IPO Nordics


Nordic Startup Awards


Global Startup Awards (Finalist)


Customers and reviews

We chose from the start to collaborate with Huddlestock as a strategic partner on software development and integrations of our software portal. Their highly competent resources have contributed to Turfpal delivering a complete high-quality solution to our customers all over the world.

We established a partnership for developing Rambase-portals, integrations between Rambase and ERP-assisting applications, making Rambase-widgets and implementing other tailormade adaptions. Together, we helped our customers to improve their effectivity both internally and in relationship with their customers and partners.

We chose the Huddlestock partnership thanks to their experience and support, after a diligent and extensive review of the market. We have been impressed by their expertise and their ability to deliver implementation efficiently, which will be crucial for our ambitious timelines.

Maria Linkhorst
Head of Treasury

As our business develops and our strategic demands change over time, it is crucial for Arbejdernes Landsbank to have the necessary technical infrastructure and architecture to support these demands and developments.

For this project, Huddlestock’s deep know-how in the capital market was very valuable, especially in terms of IT infrastructure, trading systems and market standards. Combining that with DoLand’s front-end experience, sustainability know-how, investment experience and a common mindset – the project had excellent conditions to succeed.

Jakob Lage Hansen
Founder & CEO

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